أمثلة من مجموعة نصية لـ٪ 1
1. Yet even now his appetite for feeling the collars of criminals remains unsated.
2. Unveiled: Pacino‘s unsated desire for the Wilde Salome CPS misses target to beat hate crimes Footballers tell children to take a dive into books Honey, our bees are vanishing Exactly what is it that you nurses are so angry about?
3. Observer stories updated: Pro–Test in support of animal experiments Unveiled: Pacino‘s unsated desire for the Wilde Salome CPS misses target to beat hate crimes Footballers tell children to take a dive into books Honey, our bees are vanishing Exactly what is it that you nurses are so angry about?
4. Baby rape pair face longer jail term Observer stories updated: Pro–Test in support of animal experiments Unveiled: Pacino‘s unsated desire for the Wilde Salome CPS misses target to beat hate crimes Footballers tell children to take a dive into books Honey, our bees are vanishing Exactly what is it that you nurses are so angry about?
5. Cancer queue grows as treatment target is missed Queen Mary 2 loses her crown Attacks grow on Trump‘s golf plan Tainted blood victims ‘were not informed‘ Ricky takes home an Extra award or two Far East war veterans cast light on family past Ease school targets, says heads‘ leader Unveiled: Pacino‘s unsated desire for the Wilde Salome Oscar–winning actor to direct drama documentary about his favourite play David Smith and Murad Ahmed Sunday April 30, 2006 The Observer America, said Oscar Wilde, is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilisation in between.